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** We encourage additional peer to peer fundraising in addition to your sponsorship. We can help set up your Join Me Fundraising page! A trophy will be awarded to the highest fundraising team!!

2024 Bowl-a-Thon
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Platinum Sponsorship $0.00

•    Five VIP Bowling Lanes (5-7 bowlers per lane)
•    Private Bar and Champagne Toast
•    Company Banner
•    PROMINENT Listing on Event Signage, Media Releases and Website
•    Recognition in Bowl-a-Thon Program

Gold Sponsorship $0.00

•    Three Bowling Lanes (5-7 bowlers per lane)
•    Prominent Listing on Event Signage, Media Releases and Website
•    Recognition in Bowl-a-Thon Program

Silver Sponsor $0.00

•    Two Bowling Lanes (5-7 bowlers per lane)
•    Prominent Listing on Event Signage, Media Releases and Website
•    Recognition in Bowl-a-Thon Program

Bronze Sponsor $0.00

•    One Bowling Lane (5-7 bowlers per lane)
•    Prominent Listing on Event Signage, Media Releases and Website
•    Recognition in Bowl-a-Thon Program

Lane Sponsor $0.00

•    One Bowling Lane (5-7 bowlers per lane)
•    Recognition in Bowl-a-Thon 

Photography Sponsor $0.00

•    Signage at Awards/Prizes Display
•    Recognition in Bowl-a-Thon Program

Food & Beverage Sponsor $0.00

•    Signage at Awards/Prizes Display
•    Recognition in Bowl-a-Thon Program

Awards Sponsor $0.00

•    Signage at Awards/Prizes Display
•    Recognition in Bowl-a-Thon Program

Young Professional Sponsor $0.00

•    One Bowling Lane (5-7 bowlers per lane)
•    Recognition in Bowl-a-Thon Program

Unable to attend? We are grateful for a tax-deductible donation!
